Cornelius Castoriadis Agora International Website
English-Language Bibliography of Writings By Cornelius Castoriadis
N.B.:This draft bibliography is an updated and reorganized version of the English-language bibliographies that appeared in Cornelius Castoriadis's Political and Social Writings, translated and edited by David Ames Curtis, volume 1 (©1988 by the University of Minnesota) and volume 3 (©1993 by the Regents of the University of Minnesota). Published and © by Agora International and used by permission of the University of Minnesota Press.
Readers are kindly requested to communicate any additions or corrections to Agora International, c/o David Ames Curtis: 27, rue Froidevaux 75014 Paris FRANCE; TEL/FAX: Copies of texts not readily available can be ordered from the AI Archives.
# Information not yet found/information to be verified.
N.B.:Cette bibliographie provisoire est une mise à jour et un remaniement des bibliographies anglaises parues dans les Political and Social Writings de Cornelius Castoriadis, trad. et éd. par David Ames Curtis, tome 1 (©1988 par l'University of Minnesota) et tome 3 (©1993 par les Regents de l'University of Minnesota). Publication et droits de reproduction : Agora International avec la permission de l'University of Minnesota Press.
Veuillez contacter Agora International, chez David Ames Curtis 27, rue Froidevaux 75014 Paris FRANCE; TEL/FAX:, pour toutes additions ou corrections. Des copies des textes rares peuvent être commandées auprès d'Agora International.
# Informations à compléter/vérifier.
- ASA (= A Society Adrift: More Interviews and Discussions on The Rising Tide of Insignificancy, Including Revolutionary Perspectives Today. Translated from the French and edited anonymously as a public service. Electronic publication date: October 2010.
- CCRD (EN2014A) Cornelius Castoriadis and Radical Democracy. Ed. Vrasidas Karalis. [Trans. from the Greek by Vrasidas Karalis and Anthony Stephens.] Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2014. 295pp.
- CL ( EN1984C ) Crossroads in the Labyrinth (translation of FR1978A ). Trans. Martin H. Ryle and Kate Soper. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press and Brighton, England: Harvester Press, 1984. 345pp.
- CL1 (= Crossroads in the Labyrinth, vol. 1. Tr. and ed. David Ames Curtis. Translated from the French and edited anonymously as a public service. Electronic publication date: March 2022. 438pp.
- CL2 (= Crossroads in the Labyrinth, vol. 2: Human Domains. Tr. and ed. David Ames Curtis. Translated from the French and edited anonymously as a public service. Electronic publication date: March 2022. 471pp.
- CL3 (= Crossroads in the Labyrinth, vol. 3: World in Fragments. Tr. and ed. David Ames Curtis. Translated from the French and edited anonymously as a public service. Electronic publication date: March 2022. 379pp.
- CL4 (= Crossroads in the Labyrinth, vol. 4: The Rising Tide of Insignificancy.Tr. and ed. David Ames Curtis. Translated from the French and edited anonymously as a public service. Electronic publication date: March 2022. 336pp.
- CL5 (= Crossroads in the Labyrinth, vol. 5: Done and To Be Done. Tr. and ed. David Ames Curtis. Translated from the French and edited anonymously as a public service. Electronic publication date: March 2022. 384pp.
- CL6 (= Crossroads in the Labyrinth, vol. 6: Figures of the Thinkable. Tr. and ed. David Ames Curtis. Translated from the French and edited anonymously as a public service. Electronic publication date: March 2022. 402pp.
- CR ( =EN1997A ) The Castoriadis Reader. Ed. David Ames Curtis. Malden, MA and Oxford, England: Basil Blackwell, 1997. 470pp.
- DR (= Democracy and Relativism: Discussion with the "MAUSS" Group. Translated from the French and edited anonymously as a public service. Electronic publication date: January 2013. 63pp.
- FTP&K (= or ) Figures of the Thinkable (including Passion and Knowledge). Translated from the French and edited anonymously as a public service. Electronic publication date: February 2005. 428pp.
- IIS ( =EN1987A ) The Imaginary Institution of Society. Trans. Kathleen Blamey. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press and Cambridge, England: Polity Press, 1987. 418pp.
- Paperback edition. Cambridge, England: Polity Press, 1997. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1998.
- (complete but with incorrect pagination).
- (complete 2005 reprint).
- (complete 2005 reprint).
- MPSW1-2 (= More Political and Social Writings, 1945-1997. Books 1 and 2. The Question of the Workers' Movement. Volumes 1 and 2. Beta Version (Translator/Editor's Foreword forthcoming). Translated from the French and edited anonymously as a public service. Electronic publication date: October 2023. 435pp.
- OPS ( =EN2002A ) On Plato's Statesman (translation of FR1999B ). Trans. David Ames Curtis. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2002. 227pp.
- PPA (= EN1991A ) Philosophy, Politics, Autonomy. Essays in Political Philosophy (N.B.: the subtitle is an unauthorized addition made by the publisher). Ed. David Ames Curtis. New York: Oxford University Press, 1991. 304pp.
- PSRTI (= Postscript on Insignificancy, including More Interviews and Discussions on the Rising Tide of Insignificancy, followed by Six Dialogues, Four Portraits and Two Book Reviews. Translated from the French and edited anonymously as a public service. Electronic publication date: March 2011. 2nd ed. August 2017.
- PSW 1 ( =EN1988A ) Political and Social Writings. Volume 1: 1946-1955. From the Critique of Bureaucracy to the Positive Content of Socialism. Trans. and ed. David Ames Curtis. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1988. 348 pp.
- PSW 2 ( =EN1988B ) Political and Social Writings. Volume 2: 1955-1960. From the Workers' Struggle Against Bureaucracy to Revolution in the Age of Modern Capitalism. Trans. and ed. David Ames Curtis. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1988. 363 pp.
- PSW 3 ( =EN1993A ) Political and Social Writings. Volume 3: 1961-1979. Recommencing the Revolution: From Socialism to the Autonomous Society. Trans. and ed. David Ames Curtis. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1993. 405 pp.
- RTI (= or The Rising Tide of Insignificancy (The Big Sleep). Translated from the French and edited anonymously as a public service. Electronic publication date: 2003. Notice. Ibid., p. ii. Foreword. Ibid., pp. xi-li.
- SouBA (=EN2018A ) Jean Amair, Hugo Bell, Cornelius Castoriadis, S. Chatel, Claude Lefort, Jean-Francois Lyotard, Daniel Mothé, Panonicus, Paul Romano, Albert Véga, Jack Weinberg, A Socialisme ou Barbarie Anthology: Autonomy, Critique, and Revolution in the Age of Bureaucratic Capitalism. Originally published without copyright in France by Acratie in 2007. Edited by Helen Arnold, Daniel Blanchard, Enrique Escobar, Daniel Ferrand, Georges Petit, and Jacques Signorelli. Translated from the French and edited anonymously as a public service. With a Translator/Editor's Introduction by David Ames Curtis (March–April 2016). London, Eris, 2018. 488pp.
- WIF ( EN1997B ) World in Fragments. Writings on Politics, Society, Psychoanalysis, and the Imagination. Ed. and trans. David Ames Curtis. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1997. 507pp.
- WoC (= ) Window on the Chaos, Including “How I Didn't Become a Musician” (Beta Version). Translated from the French and edited anonymously as a public service. Electronic publication date: July 21, 2015.
Castoriadis Pseudonyms
(Pseudonymes de Castoriadis)
- Paul Cardan
- Pierre Chaulieu
- Jean-Marc Coudray
- Jean Delvaux
- Marc Noiraud
English-Language Writings By Cornelius Castoriadis
(Écrits de Cornelius Castoriadis en anglais):
- EN1958A Pierre Chaulieu. "The Marxist Organization Today" (unauthorized editing of original typescript, now lost). Grace Lee [now: Boggs], Pierre Chaulieu [Cornelius Castoriadis] and J. R. Johnson [C. L. R. James]. Facing Reality. Detroit: Correspondence, 1958: 90-102?
- Detroit: Bewick, 1974: 90-102?.
- [N.P.] : Factory School, 2006: 99-107?.
- EN1960A Anon. Socialism Reaffirmed. An Analysis of the Crisis of Contemporary Society and An Outline of the Road to Working Class Power (translation of FR1949B ). London: Bob Pennington, no date (July 1960). 28pp.
- "Socialism or Barbarism" (new translation). PSW 1: 76-106, including Postface (translation of FR1973A6 ), ibid.: 106.
- SouBA: 43-64 (excerpts).
- EN1960B. The Socialist Programme (translation of FR1952B ). Socialism Reaffirmed, 2 ([September?] 1960). 12pp. "What is Socialism?" (unsigned Socialism Reaffirmed introduction): ibid.: [inside front cover].
- EN1961A Anon. Socialism or Barbarism (statement originally written in English for a May 1961 international "conference of revolutionary socialists" held in Paris). London: Socialism Reaffirmed, no date. ##pp.
- Solidarity Pamphlet 11. London: Solidarity, no date. 22pp. Introduction (dated May 1968). Ibid.: 1-2.
- Solidarity Pamphlet 11. London: Solidarity, no date. 22pp. Introduction (dated May 1969). Ibid.: 1-2.
- Electronic reprint:
- EN1961B# Paul Cardan. "Socialism and Capitalism" (originally written in English; subsequent French translation by Castoriadis as FR1979D4 ). International Socialism, 4 (Spring 1961): 20-27.
- The Meaning of Socialism (reprint of EN1961B in slightly altered form). London: Socialism Reaffirmed, September 1961. ##pp.
- The Meaning of Socialism. Solidarity Pamphlet 6. London: Solidarity, 1966. 26pp. Introduction (dated November 1966).
- The Meaning of Socialism. Solidarity Pamphlet 6. London: Solidarity, no date. 26#pp. Introduction (dated December 1969 on fifth reprint). Ibid.: 1-2#.
- The Meaning of Socialism. Solidarity Pamphlet 6. London: Solidarity, no date. 26pp. Additional introduction (dated July 1972). Ibid.: [i]-[ii].
- The Meaning of Socialism. Philadelphia: Philadelphia Solidarity, 1994. 26pp. Philadelphia Solidarity. Introduction. Ibid.: 1-2. Other Castoriadis Works Available. Ibid.: 2.
- "The Meaning of Socialism" (newly edited version in English, using the International Socialism, Solidarity, and French versions: More Political and Social Writings, 1945-1997. Books 1 and 2. The Question of the Workers' Movement, volume 2: 269-300
- EN1962A #Paul Cardan. "Working Class Consciousness" (translation of FR1959C). Trans. Maurice Brinton. Solidarity for Workers' Power, 2:2 (April 1962): 23-26 and 28 and 2:3 (May 1962): 23-26 and 28.
- and
- Solidarity for Workers' Power, 5:12 (15 July 1969): 9-16.
- Capitalism and Consciousness. Clydeside: Solidarity, February 1970: 19-26. See also two-page unnumbered "Introduction" prior to page 1.
- "Proletariat and Organization." PSW 2: 193-222.
- (scanned text, missing notes).
- (same scanned text on different website, with notes).
- SouBA: 324-37 (excerpts).
- EN1963A #Paul Cardan. # Modern Capitalism and Revolution (translation of FR1960B, FR1961A, and FR1961B, with new material written in English). Trans. Maurice Brinton. London: Solidarity, 1963. ##pp. (See also EN1965A, EN1965B, and EN1974A.)
- Paul Cardan. Modern Capitalism and Revolution. A Solidarity Book. Rev. ed. with additional new material written in English. "The ideas outlined in this book were first put forward, in 1961-62, in three long articles, in the French review SOCIALISME OU BARBARIE' (Nos .31, 32 and 31). The text was translated in 1962 by an American comrade, Owen Cahill, re-translated into 'SOLIDARITY' English, expanded. in one or two places by the author, and later considerably amplified with factual data, many taken from contemporary British experience. The draft was then read by a number of Solidarists, discussed at length, and several additional footnotes inserted (we hope these will make some of the points more explicit). Cardan wrote the Appendix and its appendix at our special request: The choice of pictures is entirely our own." London: Solidarity, 1965. 108pp.
- Paul Cardan. Modern Capitalism and Revolution. A Solidarity Book. 2nd ed. London: Solidarity, 1974: 15-95.
- "Modern Capitalism and Revolution" (new translation making extensive use of Brinton's translation and Castoriadis's 1963 and 1965 additions; also includes translations of the French-language additions found in the FR1979B reprint). PSW 2: 226-314, with notes a- e, ibid.: 314-15.
- EN1965A Paul Cardan. "Appendix: The 'Falling Rate of Profit.'" Modern Capitalism and Revolution. A Solidarity Book. Rev. ed. with additional new material written in English. "The ideas outlined in this book were first put forward, in 1961-62, in three long articles, in the French review SOCIALISME OU BARBARIE' (Nos .31, 32 and 31). The text was translated in 1962 by an American comrade, Owen Cahill, re-translated into 'SOLIDARITY' English, expanded. in one or two places by the author, and later considerably amplified with factual data, many taken from contemporary British experience. The draft was then read by a number of Solidarists, discussed at length, and several additional footnotes inserted (we hope these will make some of the points more explicit). Cardan wrote the Appendix and its appendix at our special request: The choice of pictures is entirely our own." London: Solidarity, 1965: 97-105. (See also EN1963A, EN1965B, and EN1974A.)
- "Appendix: The 'Falling Rate of Profit.'" Modern Capitalism and Revolution. A Solidarity Book. 2nd ed. London: Solidarity, 1974: 96-101.
- "Appendix to the First English Edition. The 'Falling Rate of Profit.'" PSW 2: 316-23 (this version adopts a number of clarifications made in the FR1979B3 version).
- EN1965B Paul Cardan. "Appendix to APPENDIX!" Modern Capitalism and Revolution. A Solidarity Book. Rev. ed. with additional new material written in English. "The ideas outlined in this book were first put forward, in 1961-62, in three long articles, in the French review SOCIALISME OU BARBARIE' (Nos .31, 32 and 31). The text was translated in 1962 by an American comrade, Owen Cahill, re-translated into 'SOLIDARITY' English, expanded. in one or two places by the author, and later considerably amplified with factual data, many taken from contemporary British experience. The draft was then read by a number of Solidarists, discussed at length, and several additional footnotes inserted (we hope these will make some of the points more explicit). Cardan wrote the Appendix and its appendix at our special request: The choice of pictures is entirely our own." London: Solidarity, 1965: 106-107. (See also EN1963A, EN1965A, and EN1974A.)
- "Appendix to APPENDIX!" Modern Capitalism and Revolution. A Solidarity Book. 2nd ed. London: Solidarity, 1974: 102.
- "Appendix to the First English Edition. The Different Significations of 'Constant Capital.'" PSW 2: 323-25 (this version adopts a number of clarifications made in the FR1979B3 version).
- EN1966A Paul Cardan. The Crisis of Modern Society ("Lecture given in May 1965, in Tunbridge Wells (Kent, England) before the comrades and supporters of Solidarity"; subsequent French translation by Castoriadis as FR1979B5). Solidarity Pamphlet 23. London: Solidarity, no date (June 1965). 14pp. Introduction. Ibid.: 1-2.
- "The Crisis of Modern Society." PSW 3: 106-17.
- EN1966B Paul Cardan. "The Fate of Marxism" (partial translation of FR1964D ; reprinted in IIS [French ed.]: 13-20). Trans. Maurice Brinton. Solidarity for Workers' Power, 4:3 (August 1966): 15-19.
- The Fate of Marxism. Clydeside: Solidarity, no date 8pp.
- The Fate of Marxism. A Solidarity Pamphlet. London: Solidarity, no date. 5pp.
- "The Fate of Marxism". The Anarchist Papers. Ed. Dimitrios I. Roussopoulos. Buffalo and Montreal: Black Rose Press, 1986: 75-84.
- IIS (new English translation): 9-15.
- "Marxism and Revolutionary Theory (1964-1965): Excerpts. Marxism: A Provisional Assessment. The Historical Situation of Marxism and the Notion of Orthodoxy" (edited version of IIS version). CR: 139-45.
- EN1967A From Bolshevism to the Bureaucracy (translation of FR1964B ). Trans. Maurice Brinton. Solidarity Pamphlet 24. London: Solidarity, 1.3.67. 18pp. M. B. Introduction. Ibid.: 1-2.
- "From Bolshevism to the Bureaucracy." Our Generation, 12 (Fall 1977): 43-54.
- "The Role of Bolshevik Ideology in the Birth of the Bureaucracy." PSW 3: 89-105, with notes a - c, ibid.: 105.
- "The Role of Bolshevik Ideology in the Birth of the Bureaucracy." Bloodstained: One Hundred Years of Leninist Counterrevolution. Ed. Friends of Aron Baron. Chico, Oakland, Edinburgh, Baltimore: AK Press, 2017: 273-98.
- EN1967B "Sexual Thermidor" (translation of FR1963C ). Solidarity for Workers' Power, 4:8 (July 1967): 17-23.
- "Sexual Education in the USSR." PSW 3 : 56-63.
- EN1968A [Maurice Brinton]. "France 1968" (this final chapter includes a loose, partial translation and paraphrasing of parts of "La Révolution anticipée" [ FR1968B ]; see EN1993A7 ). [Maurice Brinton]. Paris: May 1968. Solidarity Pamphlet 30. London: Solidarity, June 1968: 39-43.
- London: Dark Star Press and Rebel Press, 1986: 50-55.
- (Paris: May 1968 - Maurice Brinton's diary).
- Maurice Brinton. For Worker's Power: The Selected Writings of Maurice Brinton. Ed. David Goodway. Oakland, CA and Edinburgh, Scotland: AK Press, 2004: 253-56.
- EN1968B Gabriel and Daniel Cohn-Bendit. "Students and Society " (this section is a loose, partial translation and rewriting of FR1963B ; see EN1993A3 ). Gabriel and Daniel Cohn-Bendit. Obsolete Communism. The Left-Wing Alternative. Trans. Arnold Pomerans. London: André Deutsch Ltd., 1968: 41-48.
- London: Penguin Books, 1969: 41-48.
- EN1971A Paul Cardan. History and Revolution: A Revolutionary Critique of Historical Materialism (partial translation of FR1964D and FR1964E ; reprinted in IIS [French ed.]: 21-56). Trans. Maurice Brinton. Solidarity Pamphlet 38. London: Solidarity, no date. 35pp. Introduction (dated August 1971), ibid.: 2.
- IIS (new English translation): 15-40.
- EN1972A Workers' Councils and the Economics of a Self-Managed Society(translation of FR1957C ). Trans. Maurice Brinton. London: Solidarity, 1972. 60pp. Our Preface (dated March 1972). Ibid.: #1-5.
- (excerpt)
- Philadelphia: Philadelphia Solidarity, 1974. 61pp. Philadelphia Solidarity. Foreword. Ibid.: i and 61. League for Economic Democracy. Foreword. Ibid.: ii and 59.
- Philadelphia: Wooden Shoe Pamphlet, 1984. 52pp. Philadelphia Solidarity. About Ourselves. Ibid.: V. Peter Dorman. "Workers Councils...25 Years Later." Ibid.: VII-XI.
- "On the Content of Socialism, II" (newly edited version). PSW 2: 90-154, with note a, ibid.: 154.
- (electronic reprint of PSW 2 version, missing note a).
- "On the Content of Socialism, II" (abridged version of preceding version). CR: 49-105.
- (newly edited version of London Solidarity pamphlet, with "Post-Notations" by Lust for Life (2006), Release History, and Contact Information.
- "This Zabalaza Books edition is based on the HTML version released on the web by Lust for Life in November 2006 and includes the post-notations by Lust for Life."
- Workers' Councils and the Economics of a Self-Managed Society. #Edmonton, Alberta#: Thought Crime Ink, 2014. 84pp.
- "On the Content of Socialism, II" (abridged version of PSW 2 version). SouBA: 249-97 (excerpts).
- EN1974A Paul Cardan. "Author's Introduction to the 1974 English Edition" (17 March 1974). Modern Capitalism and Revolution. A Solidarity Book. 2nd ed. London: Solidarity, 1974: 1-11 (see also EN1963A, EN1965A, and EN1965B ).
- EN1974B Redefining Revolution (translation of FR1964A ). Trans. Maurice Brinton. Solidarity Pamphlet 44. London: Solidarity, no date. 24pp.
- "Recommencing the Revolution." PSW 3: 27-55, with Postface ( EN1993A5, translation of FR1974C3 ), ibid.: 80-88.
- "Recommencing the Revolution." CR: 106-38, without Postface.
- SouBA: 393-421 (excerpts).
- EN1974C Paul Cardan. "Wot? No Contradictions?" Solidarity for Workers' Power, 7:11 (July 1974): 28-30.
- Electronic reprint:
- EN1975A "An Interview with C. Castoriadis" (translation of 26 January 1974 APL interview [ FR1974D ]). Trans. Bart Grahl and David Pugh. Telos, 23 (Spring 1975): 131-55. Dick Howard. "Introduction to Castoriadis." Ibid.: 117-31.
- "'The Only Way to Find Out If You Can Swim Is to Get into the Water': An Introductory Interview" (new English translation). CR: 1-34.
- EN1976A "The Hungarian Source" (unauthorized editing by Paul Piccone of original English-language typescript; subsequent French translation by Maurice Luciani as FR1977E ). Telos, 29 (Fall 1976): 4-22.
- PSW 3: 250-71 (this restoration of the original English-language version now also includes translations of additions found in FR1979D ).
- EN1976B "On the History of the Workers' Movement" (translation of FR1974A3 ). "Translated from the French by Brian Singer and into English by Patricia Tummons." Telos, 30 (Winter 1976-77): 3-42.
- "The Question of the History of The Workers' Movement" (new English translation). PSW 3: 157-206.
- EN1977A #"Hierarchy of Salaries and Incomes" (excerpted translation of FR1974B ). Trans. Tom McLaughlin. The Red Menace, 3 (Winter 1977): ##-##.
- Trans. Tom McLaughlin and Peter Royle. Catalyst, 13 (Spring 1979): 95-104.
- "Hierarchy of Wages and Income" (new English translation). PSW 3: 207-15.
- EN1977B P. Cardan. "Listen, Psychiatrist" (partial translation of FR1964F ; reprinted in IIS [French ed.]: 126-30). Trans. Maurice Brinton. Solidarity for Workers' Power, 8:7 (8 August 1977): 19-23. Solidarity postscript. Ibid.: 23.
- IIS (new English translation): 90-94.
- "The Subjective Roots of the Revolutionary Project" CR: 165-69.
- EN1977C "The Diversionists" (translation of FR1977G ). Trans. Dorothy Gehrke. Telos, 33 (Fall 1977): 102-6.
- PSW 3 (new English translation): 272-77.
- EN1977D "Reply to André Gorz" (translation of FR1977H ). Ibid.: 108-9.
- PSW 3 (new English translation): 277-80.
- EN1977E "The French Left" (slightly abridged translation of FR1979E4 ). Trans. Bart Grahl, Susan Wheeler, Dorothy Gehrke, Bob D'Amico, Bill Hamilton, and John Fekete. Telos, 34 (Winter 1977-78): 49-73.
- EN1978A C. Castoriadis (Paul Cardan). History as Creation (partial translation of FR1964E ; reprinted in IIS [French ed.]: 56-84. Trans. Maurice Brinton. Solidarity Pamphlet 54. London: Solidarity, no date. 56pp. Publication note. Ibid.: 2. Introduction (dated July 1978). Ibid.: 3-9. Other Pamphlets by C. Castoriadis. Ibid.: 10.
- "The Marxist Philosophy of History"
- IIS (new English translation): 41-61.
- EN1978B "From Marx to Aristotle, from Aristotle to Us" (translation of FR1975B ). Trans. Andrew Arato. Social Research, 45 (Winter 1978): 667-738.
- "Value, Equality, Justice, Politics: From Marx to Aristotle and from Aristotle to Us." CL (new translation): 260-339.
- "Value, Equality, Justice, Politics: From Marx to Aristotle and from Aristotle to Us." CL1 (new translation): 331-432.
- EN1978C "The Social Regime in Russia" (translation of FR1978C ). Trans. David J. Parent. Telos, 38 (Winter 1978-79): 32-47.
- CR (new English translation): 219-38. Prefatory Note (November 1985). Ibid.: 218-19.
- EN1979A "What Is Important" (translation of FR1959A ). Trans. Tom McLaughlin. Catalyst, 13 (Spring 1979): 91-94.
- "What Really Matters" (new English translation). PSW 2: 223-25.
- (scanned text, missing publication note).
- (scanned text, missing publication note).
- EN1979B "The French Communist Party: A Critical Anatomy" ("somewhat abridged" translation of FR1977I ). Trans. Adrienne Foulke. Dissent, Summer 1979: 315-25.
- "The Evolution of the French Communist Party" (new English translation). PSW 3: 281-99.
- EN1980A "Socialism and Autonomous Society" (translation of FR1979D3 ). Trans. David J. Parent. Telos, 43 (Spring 1980): 91-105.
- PSW 3 (new English translation): 314-31.
- EN1980B "Facing the War" (translation of FR1980A ). Trans. Joe Light, Telos, 46 (Winter 1980-81): 43-61.
- "Facing War." Solidarity (new series) 1:2 (1982##): [4]-[16]. (Solidarity: "The article first appeared in English in the American journal Telos, but the present translation incorporates revisions which were made by the author when the text was reprinted in a French collected edition of his works".)
- EN1981A "From Ecology to Autonomy" (partial translation of FR1981A ). Trans. Alastair Davidson. Thesis Eleven, 3 (1981): 8-22. Paul Breines. Introduction. Ibid.: 7.
- EN1981B Interview (4 October 1981; subsequent translation by Zoé Castoriadis as FR1986B3 ). Psych-Critique, 2 (1982): 3-8.
- .
- EN1982A "The Impossibility of Reforms in the Soviet Union" (translation of FR1981B : 171-82). Trans. Jim Asker. Thesis Eleven, 4 (1982): 26-31.
- EN1982B "The Toughest and Most Fragile of Regimes" (translation of FR1982F ). Trans. David Berger. Telos, 51 (Spring 1982): 186-90.
- EN1982C Alain Besancon, Alexandre Astruc, Andre Gluecksmann, Bernard-Henri Levy, Cornelius Castoriadis, Czeslaw Milosz, Edgar Morin, Fernando Arrabal, Huber Matos, Jean-Marie Benoist, Jean-Marie Domenach, Lane Kirkland, Leonid Plyushch, Marek Halter, Michel Crozier, Michel Leiris, Natalya Gorbanevskya, Nikita Struve, Olga Svintsova, Olivier Guichard, Olivier Todd, Pierre Golendorf, Pierre Vidal-Naquet, Samuel Beckett, Stanislaw Baranczak, Susan Sontag, Tania Plyushch, Vladimir Bukovsky, Vladimir Maximov (partial list). "Help Save Que Me." New York Review of Books, 29:8 (May 13, 1982): 51.
- EN1982D "The Crisis of Western Societies" (translation of FR1982G ). Trans. David J. Parent. Telos, 53 (Fall 1982): 17-28.
- CR: 253-66. Prefatory Paragraph (1985). Ibid.: 253.
- EN1982E "'Facing the War' and 'The Socio-Economic Roots of Re-Armament: A Rejoinder'" (reply written in English). Telos, 53 (Fall 1982): 192-97. (See EN1980B.)
- EN1983A "The Destinies of Totalitarianism" (article originally written in English; subsequent translation by Castoriadis as FR1986B9 ). Salmagundi, 60 (Spring-Summer 1983): 107-22
- EN1983B "The Greek Polis and the Creation of Democracy" ("lecture read on April 15, 1982, in New York, during one of the Hannah Arendt Memorial Symposia in Political Philosophy organized by the New School for Social Research which dealt with 'The Origin of Our Institutions'"; Paris--New York, March 1982--June 1983; subsequent French translation as FR1986B11 ). Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal, 9 (Fall 1983): 79-115.
- PPA: 81-123, incorporating notes and textual additions found in FR1986B11.
- The Ancients and the Moderns. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 1996: 29-58 (reprint of PPA version).
- CR: 266-89 (excerpted reprint of PPA version).
- EN1984A "The Imaginary Institution of Society" (translation of IIS [French ed.]: 162-63, 175-204 and 311-24). Trans. Brian Singer. The Structural Allegory: Reconstructive Encounters with the New French Thought. Ed. John Fekete. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1984: 6-45. Brian Singer. Introduction to Castoriadis. Ibid.: 3-5.
- IIS (new English translation): 117-18, 125-46, and 227-37.
- EN1984B "The Imaginary: Creation in the Social-Historical Domain" ("Based on a speech given to the International Symposium at Stanford University, September 14-16, 1981"). Disorder and Order. Ed. Paisley Livingston. Stanford Literature Studies 1. Saratoga, California: Anma Libri, 1984: 146-61.
- Identity—The Real Me: Postmodernism and the Question of Identity, ed. Homi K. Bhabha (London: Institute of Contemporary Arts, 1987), pp. 39-43.
- WIF: 3-18 (includes translation of additions found in FR1986B10 ).
- EN1984C Crossroads in the Labyrinth (=CL; translation of FR1978A ). Trans. Martin H. Ryle and Kate Soper. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press and Brighton, England: Harvester Press, 1984. Translator's Note. Ibid.: vii-viii.
- EN1984C1: Preface (translation of FR1978A1 ): ix-xxix.
- EN1984C2: Note on the Texts Collected in this Volume (translation of FR1978A2 ): xxxi.
- EN1984C3: "Epilegomena to a Theory of the Soul which has been presented as a Science" (translation of FR1968C ): 3-45.
- EN1984C4: "Psychoanalysis: Project and Elucidation" (translation of FR1977F ): 46-115.
- EN1984C5: "The Sayable and the Unsayable" (translation of FR1971A ): 119-44.
- EN1984C6: "Modern Science and Philosophical Interrogation" (translation of FR1973E ): 145-226.
- EN1984C7: "Technique" (translation of FR1973D ): 229-59.
- Also: EN1978B (new translation): 260-339.
- All new translation: Crossroads in the Labyrinth, vol. 1. Tr. and ed. David Ames Curtis. Translated from the French and edited anonymously as a public service. Electronic publication date: March 2022.
- EN1984D "Marx Today: An Interview" (translation of FR1983E ). Trans. Franco Schiavoni. Thesis Eleven, 8 (1984): 124-32.
- "Marx Today: The Tragicomical Paradox" (with corrections by author). Solidarity Journal, 17 (Summer 1988): 7-15.
- EN1984E "Defending the West" (translation of expanded version of FR1983C ). Trans. Alfred J. MacAdam. Partisan Review, 51 (1984): 375-79. (Castoriadis called this title "misleading" and the translation "particularly bad"; his letter of protest to Partisan Reviewconcerning this unauthorized translation was never published.)
- EN1985A "Reflections on 'Rationality' and 'Development'" (translation of FR1976B ). Trans. John Murphy "in consultation with the author." Thesis Eleven, 9 (1985): 18-36.
- PPA: 175-98 (this newly translated version follows FR1977B and FR1977C ).
- EN1986A "The Nature and Value of Equality." Trans. David Ames Curtis. Philosophy and Social Criticism, 11:4 (Fall 1986): 373-90. Errata. Ibid., 12:4: 388.
- EN1986B "Beating the Retreat into Private Life" (edited excerpt from BBC broadcast, "Voices," of Michael Ignatieff; other participant: Christopher Lasch). The Listener, 27 March 1986: 20-21.
- Electronic reprint:
- EN1987A The Imaginary Institution of Society (=IIS; new, complete translation of FR1975A [ FR1964D , FR1964E , FR1964F , FR1965A , FR1965B , FR1975A1 , and FR1975A2 ]; see EN1966B , EN1971A , EN1977B , EN1978A , and EN1984A ). Trans. Kathleen Blamey. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press and Cambridge, England: Polity Press, 1987.
- "The Social Imaginary " (reprint of IIS: 3, 117-19, 124, 139-40, 141-43). In Patrick Joyce, ed. Class (Oxford Readers). Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 1995: 117-24 (see EN1995g).
- Paperback edition. Cambridge, England: Polity Press, 1997. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1998.
- "Marxism and Revolutionary Theory" (1964-65): Excerpts. CR: 139-95.
- "The Social Imaginary and the Institution" (1975): Excerpt. CR: 196-217.
- (complete but with incorrect pagination).
- (complete 2005 reprint).
- (complete 2005 reprint).
- EN1987B "Cold War Fictions" (translation of letter to Professor Otto, editor of Sozialwissenschaftliche Literatur Wissenschaft, concerning Hauke Brunkhorst's review of Devant la guerre). Solidarity Journal, 14 (Summer 1987): 14-15.
- "Communication." Thesis Eleven, 16 (1987): 125-26.
- EN1987C The Crisis of Culture and the State (New York and Minneapolis, April 1986-- Paris, May 1987). Center for Humanistic Studies [University of Minnesota] Occasional Papers, 16 (1987). 20 pp. Afterword. Ibid.: 19-20.
- PPA: 219-41. Afterword. Ibid.: 241-42.
- (excerpt = Crisis, p. 9/PPA, p. 227; digitalization of 1987 audio recording accompanied, on the presenting webpage, by an incomplete bibliographical reference).
- "10. Cornelius Castoriadis — The Crisis of Culture and the State" (text with commentary).
- EN1987D "The Movements of the Sixties" (translation of FR1986D ). Trans. Franco Schiavone and revised by David Ames Curtis. Thesis Eleven, 18/19 (1987): 20-31. Editorial Comment. Ibid.: 31.
- Forms of Commitment: Intellectuals in Contemporary France. Ed. Brian Nelson. Monash Romance Studies 1. Melbourne, Australia: Aristoc Press, 1995: 31-41.
- WIF: 47-57.
- EN1988A Political and Social Writings. Volume 1: 1946-1955. From the Critique of Bureaucracy to the Positive Content of Socialism (=PSW 1). Trans. and ed. David Ames Curtis. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1988. David Ames Curtis. Foreword: vii-xxiii. With critical apparatus.
- EN1988A1: Preface to the 1979 10/18 Edition (abridged translation of the 1979 revised version of FR1973A1 ): xxiv-xxv.
- EN1988A2 : General Introduction (translation of FR1973A3 ): 3-36.
- "From the Analysis of Bureaucracy to Workers Management" (General Introduction, PSW 1: 4-11).
- "The Break with Marxism" (General Introduction, PSW 1: 25-29)
- EN1988A3: "On the Regime and against the Defense of the USSR" (translation of FR1946A ): 37-43.
- EN1988A4: "The Problem of the USSR and the Possibility of a Third Historical Solution" (translation of FR1947A ): 44-55.
- EN1988A5: "Stalinism in France" (excerpted translation of FR1947C ): 56-66.
- EN1988A6: "The Concentration of the Forces of Production" (translation of FR1973A4 ): 67-75.
- EN1988A7: "The Relations of Production in Russia" (translation of FR1949F ): 107-57, with Postface (translation of FR1973A7 ), ibid.: 157-58.
- SouBA: 65-84.
- EN1988A8: "The Exploitation of the Peasantry under Bureaucratic Capitalism" (translation of FR1949N ): 159-78, with Postface (translation of FR1973A8 ), ibid.: 178.
- EN1988A9: "The Yugoslavian Bureaucracy" (partial translation of FR1950A ): 179-96, with Postface (partial translation of FR1973B3 ): 196-97.
- EN1988A10: "Proletarian Leadership" (translation of FR1952D ): 198-205, with Postface (partial translation of FR1974A4 ): 205-06.
- EN1988A11: "Sartre, Stalinism, and the Workers" (translation of FR1953C ): 207-40, with notes a - d, ibid.: 240-41.
- EN1988A12: "The Bureaucracy after the Death of Stalin" (translation of FR1953B ): 242-55, with notes a and b, ibid.: 255.
- EN1988A13: "The Situation of Imperialism and Proletarian Perspectives" (translation of FR1954C ): 256-289.
- EN1988A14 : "On the Content of Socialism, I" (translation of FR1955A ): 290-309, with note a, ibid.: 309.
- (scanned version, missing notes).
- (scanned version, missing notes).
- "From the Critique of Bureaucracy to the Idea of the Proletariat's Autonomy" (partial reprint ): CR: 40-49.
- Also: EN1960A.
- EN1988B Political and Social Writings. Volume 2: 1955-1960. From the Workers' Struggle Against Bureaucracy to Revolution in the Age of Modern Capitalism (=PSW 2). Trans. and ed. David Ames Curtis. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1988. David Ames Curtis. Foreword: vii-ix. With critical apparatus.
- EN1988B1: "Wildcat Strikes in the American Automobile Industry" (translation of FR1956A ): 3-13, with notes a and b, ibid.: 13. (N.B.: Most of Castoriadis's article consists of his abridged translation of an article in Correspondence, 2 [August 1955]:##-##).
- SouBA: 123-35.
- EN1988B2: "Workers Confront the Bureaucracy" (translation of FR1956C ): 14-24, with note a, ibid.: 24-25.
- EN1988B3: "Automation Strikes in England" (translation of FR1956E ): 26-37.
- SouBA: 153-68.
- EN1988B4: "Khrushchev and the Decomposition of Bureaucratic Ideology" (translation of FR1956F ): 38-47.
- EN1988B5: "Curtain on the Metaphysics of the Trials" (translation of FR1956H ): 48-56, with note a, ibid.: 56.
- EN1988B6: "The Proletarian Revolution against the Bureaucracy" (translation of FR1956J ): 57-89, with note a, ibid.: 89.
- EN1988B7 : "On the Content of Socialism, III: The Workers' Struggle against the Organization of the Capitalist Enterprise" (translation of FR1958B ): 155-92, with note a, ibid.: 192.
- Also: EN1962A, EN1963A, EN1965A, EN1965B, EN1972A (edited version), EN1974A, EN1979A (new translation).
- EN1988C "The Gorbachev Interlude" (translated by Castoriadis as FR1987J / FR1990B2 ). New Politics, New Series 1 (Winter 1988): 60-79.
- Thesis Eleven, 20 (1988): 5-29.
- The European Journal of International Affairs, 1:1 (Summer 1988): 34-61.
- Gorbachev: The Debate. Andrew Arato and Ferenc Fehér, eds. Oxford: Polity Press, 1989: 61-83 (reedited version).
- EN1988D "The First Institution of Society and Second-Order Institutions" (translation of FR1986C ). Trans. David Ames Curtis. Free Associations, 12 (1988): 39-51.
- EN1988E "Intellectuals and History" (translation of FR1987I ). Trans. David Ames Curtis. Salmagundi, 80 (Fall 1988): 161-69.
- PPA: 3-12.
- The New Salmagundi Reader. Ed. Robert Boyers and Peggy Boyers. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 1996: 468-77.
- EN1989A "Power, Politics, Autonomy" (abridged translation of FR1988G ). Trans. Cornelius Castoriadis. Zwischenbetrachtungen im Prozess der Aufklärung. Jürgen Habermas zum 60. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1989: 453-81.
- PPA: 143-74 (reedited, full version, based on original typescript translation, with footnotes restored).
- Reprint of abridged version. Cultural-Political Interventions in the Unfinished Project of Enlightenment. Axel Honneth, Thomas McCarthy, Claus Offe, and Albrecht Wellmer, eds. Cambridge, MA and London: MIT Press, 1992: 269-97.
- Partial reprint of full PPA version (pp. 164-74):
- "In what sense can an individual be autonomous?" (Partial reprint of full PPA version, pp. 164-74):
- EN1989B "The 'End of Philosophy'?" Salmagundi, 82/83 (Spring/Summer 1989): 3-23. Richard Rorty. "Comments on Castoriadis's 'The End of Philosophy?'" Ibid.: 24-30.
- PPA: 13-32, with translation of final paragraph from Castoriadis's subsequent translation, FR1990C3.
- EN1989C "The State of the Subject Today" (translation of FR1986G ). Trans. David Ames Curtis. Thesis Eleven, 24 (1989): 5-43.
- American Imago, 46:4 (Winter 1989): 371-412 (with typographical errors).
- WIF: 137-71.
- EN1990A "Individual, Society, Rationality, History" (translation of FR1988H ). Trans. David Ames Curtis. Thesis Eleven, 25 (1990): 59-90.
- Between Totalitarianism and Postmodernity : A Thesis Eleven Reader. Peter Beilharz, Gillian Robinson, and John Rundel. Eds. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1992: 233-59.
- PPA: 47-80.
- EN1990B "Does the Idea of Revolution Still Make Sense?" (translation of FR1989D ). Trans. David Ames Curtis. Thesis Eleven, 26 (1990): 123-38.
- "The Idea of Revolution"
- "The Idea of Revolution"
- EN1990C "The Pulverization of Marxism-Leninism" (translation of FR1990F ). Trans. David Ames Curtis. Salmagundi, 88/89 (Fall 1990/Winter 1991): 371-83.
- WIF: 58-69.
- EN1990D "Cornelius Castoriadis. An Interview." Radical Philosophy, 56 (Autumn 1990): 35-43.
- "Institution and Autonomy" ("Interviewed by Peter Dews and Peter Osborne "). A Critical Sense. Interviews with Intellectuals. Ed. Peter Osborne. London and New York: Routledge, 1996: 3-19.
- "Autonomy Is an Ongoing Process: An Introductory Interview" and "Market, Capitalism, Democracy"
- EN1991A Philosophy, Politics, Autonomy. Essays in Political Philosophy(=PPA; N.B.: the subtitle is an unauthorized editorial addition). Ed. David Ames Curtis. New York: Oxford University Press, 1991. David Ames Curtis. Foreword: v-x.
- EN1991A1: "The Social-Historical: Mode of Being, Problems of Knowledge" (Tinos, August 1987--Paris December 1987): 33-46.
- "Le social-historique" (reprint of EN1991A1). Studia Culturologica, 3 (Spring-Autumn 1994): 50-61. French-language introduction. Ibid.: 49.
- EN1991A2: "Dead End?" (translation of FR1987D ): 243-75.
- Also: EN1983B, EN1985A, EN1986A, EN1987C, EN1988E, EN1989A, EN1989B, and EN1990A.
- "The Fiction of An Economic 'Rationality'" (Cornelius Castoriadis [1991] Philosophy, Politics, Autonomy, Odeon, pp. 187-91).
- EN1991B "Time and Creation." Chronotypes: The Construction of Time. John Bender and David E. Wellbery, eds. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, 1991: 38-66.
- WIF: 374-401, with translations of passages found in Castoriadis's subsequent translation, FR1990C4.
- EN1991C "Cornelius Castoriadis interviewed by Paul Gordon." Free Associations, 24 (1991): 483-506.
- EN1992A "The Retreat from Autonomy: Postmodernism as Generalized Conformism" ("presented to an August 1991 conference in Melbourne on 'Reason and Imagination in Modern Culture'"). Thesis Eleven, 31 (1992): 14-23.
- "Post-Modernism as Generalized Conformism." In Die Modernisierung moderner Gesellschaften. Ed. Wolfgang Zapf. Verhandlungen des 25. Deutschen Soziologentages in Frankfurt am Main 1990. Frankfurt/New York: Campus Verlag, 1991, p. 185-195.
- Democracy & Nature: The International Journal of Inclusive Democracy, 7:1 (March 2001): 17-26. Includes Takis Fotopoulos. Editorial. Ibid.: #.
- WIF: 32-43, with changes made to reflect Castoriadis's subsequent translation ( FR1990C2 ).
- EN1992B "Logic, Imagination, Reflection" (translation of typescript version of FR1991A ; cf. FR1997A5 ). Trans. David Ames Curtis. American Imago, 49:1 (Spring 1992): 3-33.
- Psychoanalysis in Contexts: Paths between Theory and Modern Culture. Anthony Elliott and Stephen Frosh, eds. London and New York: Routledge, 1995: 15-35.
- WIF: 246-72, with changes made to reflect the published French version ( FR1991A ).
- "Imagination, Imaginary, Reflection" (a "weaving together" of "Logic,Imagination, Reflection" and ""Radical Imagination and the Social Instituting Imaginary" EN1994B)
- EN1992C "Reflections on Racism" (translation of FR1987F ). Trans. David Ames Curtis. Thesis Eleven, 32 (1992): 1-12.
- EN1992D "Institution of Society and Religion" (translation of FR1982H ). Trans. Stathis Gourgouris. In Emergences, 3/4 (Fall 1992): 144-61. See EN1993C.
- EN1992E "The Crisis of Marxism, the Crisis of Politics." Dissent, Spring 1992: 221-25.
- "The Crisis of Marxism and the Crisis of Politics" (Frankfurt: 15 October 1990). Documenta, IX (June 13-September 20, 1992): 85-89.
- "The Crisis of Marxism and the Crisis of Politics." Society and Nature, 1:2 (September-December 1992): 203-11.
- EN1992F "Passion and Knowledge" (translation of FR1992D ). Trans. Thomas Epstein. Diogenes, 160 (Winter 1992): 75-93.
- "Passion and Knowledge." New trans. or
- EN1992G "Our Revolutionary Tradition" (abridged translation of FR1989F ). Trans. David Ames Curtis. Common Knowledge, 3 (Winter 1992): 44-55.
- "The Revolution Before the Theologians: For a Critical/Political Reflection on Our History" (complete translation of FR1989F ). WIF: 70-83.
- EN1993A Political and Social Writings. Volume 3: 1961-1979. Recommencing the Revolution: From Socialism to the Autonomous Society (=PSW 3). Trans. and ed. David Ames Curtis. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1993. David Ames Curtis. Foreword: vii-xxiv. With critical apparatus.
- EN1993A1: "The Signification of the Belgian Strikes" (translation of FR1961A ): 3-6, with note a, ibid.: 6.
- EN1993A2: "For a New Orientation" (partial translations of FR1962A , FR1962B , and FR1963A ): 7-25, with notes a - d, ibid.: 25-26.
- EN1993A3: "Student Youth" (translation of FR1963B ): 64-75. (See EN1968B .)
- EN1993A4: "The Miners' Strike" (translation of FR1963E ): 76-79.
- EN1993A5: "Postface to 'Recommencing the Revolution'" (translation of FR1974C3 ): 80-88.
- EN1993A6: "The Suspension of Publication of Socialisme ou Barbarie" (translation of FR1967A ): 118-23, with note a, ibid.: 123.
- SouBA: 339-44 (excerpts).
- EN1993A7: "The Anticipated Revolution" (translation of FR1968B , based on the unpublished draft translation by Basil Druitt with hand-written corrections by Castoriadis, a copy of which is now in Agora International's possession): 124-56. (See EN1968A .)
- EN1993A8: "Self-Management and Hierarchy" (translation of FR1974E ): 216-26, with note a, ibid.: 226.
- EN1993A9: "The Revolutionary Exigency" (translation of FR1977D ): 227-49.
- EN1993A10: "Social Transformation and Cultural Creation" (translation of FR1979C ): 300-13.
- Also: EN1966A, EN1967A, EN1967B, EN1974B, EN1976A, EN1976B, EN1977A, EN1977C, EN1977D, EN1979B, and EN1980A
- EN1993B "Cornelius Castoriadis, Philosopher and Psychoanalyst." Europes: els intel·lectuals i la qüestió europea. Barcelona: ACTA, Fundació per a les idees i les arts, 1993: 242-47.
- New translation: "If There is to Be a Democratic Europe" :
- EN1993C "Institution of Society and Religion" (translation of FR1982H ; includes changes made in the FR1986B reprint). Trans. David Ames Curtis. Thesis Eleven, 35 (1993): 1-17. See EN1992D.
- EN1993D "Merleau-Ponty and the Weight of the Ontological Tradition" (translation of French typescript later published as FR1997A3 ). Trans. David Ames Curtis. Thesis Eleven, 36 (1993): 1-36.
- WIF: 273-310.
- (translation of final French version)
- EN1993E "Imagining Society--Cornelius Castoriadis Interview." Variant, 15 (Autumn 1993): 40-43. "Present at the conversation were Paul Anderson, John Barker, Martin Chalmers, Kevin Davey and Peter Kravitz. The conversation was transcribed and edited by Martin Chalmers." (See: EN1993q.)
- EN1993F Cornelius Castoriadis et al. "Remembering Irving Howe." Dissent, Fall 1993: 514-49. Castoriadis, ibid.: 525.
- Electronic reprint:
- EN1993G "The Greek and the Modern Political Imaginary" (translation of FR1991C ). Trans. David Ames Curtis. Salmagundi, 100 (Fall 1993): 102-29.
- WIF: 84-107.
- EN1994A "Psychoanalysis and Politics" (based on the October 1987 typescript). Speculations after Freud. Psychoanalysis, Philosophy and Culture. Sonu Shamdasani and Michael Münchow, eds. New York and London: Routledge, 1994: 2-12. Introduction. Ibid.: 1. Select Bibliography. Ibid.: 2.
- WIF: 125-36, based on the original October 1987 English-language typescript, with changes made to reflect the French translation ( FR1989B ).
- EN1994B "Radical Imagination and the Social Instituting Imaginary." Rethinking Imagination: Culture and Creativity. Gillian Robinson and John Rundell, eds. London and New York: Routledge, 1994: 136-54.
- CR: 319-37.
- "Imagination, Imaginary, Reflection" (a "weaving together" of "Logic,Imagination, Reflection" EN1992B and ""Radical Imagination and the Social Instituting Imaginary")
- EN1994C "Cornelius and Cybèle Castoriadis: Writer Psychoanalyst, Paris, 1991." Fathers and Daughters: In Their Own Words. Introduction by William Styron. Photographs by Mariana Cook. San Francisco: Chronicle Books: 1994: 66-67.
- EN1994D "World Imbalance and the Revolutionary Force of Ecology" (translation of FR1993B ). Society and Nature, 5 (January 1994): 81-90.
- "The Revolutionary Force of Ecology." New trans.. .
- EN1994E "The Logic of Magmas and the Question of Autonomy" (translation of FR1983G ). Trans. David Ames Curtis. Philosophy and Social Criticism, 20: ? (1994): 123-54.
- EN1994F "The Discovery of the Imagination" (translation of FR1978B ). Trans. David Ames Curtis. Constellations, 1:2 (1994): 183-213.
- EN1994G "Phusis, Autonomy, and Change" (slightly abridged translation of the original typescript, preceding final publication as FR1997A4 ). Trans. David Ames Curtis. Common Knowledge, 3:3 (Winter 1994): 91-99.
- "Phusis and Autonomy" (complete translation of the original typescript version, preceding final publication as FR1997A4 ). WIF: 331-41.
- "Phusis, Creation, Autonomy" (translation of final French version)
- EN1995A "C. L. R. James and the Fate of Marxism." C. L. R. James. His Intellectual Legacies. Selwyn R. Cudjoe and William E. Cain, eds. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1995: 277-88. See also EN1995l.
- Electronic reprint:
- EN1995B "Questions and Answers". Ibid.: 288-97.
- EN1995C "Letter, No. 3 Cornelius Castoriadis to C. L.R. James. Paris, 29th September 1957." Ibid.: 302-303. (In "Three Letters." Ibid.: 298-303.)
- EN1995D "The Dilapidation of the West" (translation of FR1991P ). Trans. David Ames Curtis. Thesis Eleven, 41 (1995): 94-111. "Postscript" (written in English; subsequently translated by Castoriadis as 1996A2). Ibid.: 111-14.
- EN1995E "From the Monad to Autonomy" (translation of FR1991R ). Trans. David Ames Curtis. Free Associations, 34 (1995): 125-49. David Ames Curtis and Sparta Castoriadis. Introduction. Ibid.: 123-24.
- EN1996A "The Athenian Democracy: False and True Questions" (translation of FR1993I ). Trans. David Ames Curtis. Pierre Lévêque and Pierre Vidal-Naquet. Cleisthenes the Athenian: An Essay on the Representation of Space and of Time in Greek Political Thought from the End of the Sixth Century to the Death of Plato. Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey: Humanities Press, 1996: 119-27.
- EN1996B "Heritage and Revolution" (based on a 1985 Hannah Arendt Symposium typescript). The Ancients and the Moderns. Ed. Reginald Lilly. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 1996): 159-69.
- or
- EN1996C "The Construction of the World in Psychosis" (translation of FR1993E ). Trans. David Ames Curtis. Psychoanalytic Review, 83:6 (1996): 929-44.
- WIF: 196-210.
- EN1996D "The Problem of Democracy Today " (translation of EL1990B). Trans. Dimitris Isigonis. Democracy and Nature (formerly Society and Nature), 8 (April 1996): 18-35.
- EN1997A The Castoriadis Reader (=CR). Ed. David Ames Curtis. Malden, MA and Oxford, England: Basil Blackwell, 1997. David Ames Curtis. Foreword: vii-xv. With critical apparatus.
- EN1997A1: "Presentation of Socialisme ou Barbarie. An Organ of Critique and Revolutionary Orientation" (translation of FR1949A ): 35-39.
- EN1997A2: "From the Critique of Bureaucracy to the Idea of the Proletariat's Autonomy" (partial reprint of EN1988A14 ): 40-49.
- EN1997A3: "On the Content of Socialism II" (partial reprint of PSW 2version of EN1972A ): 49-105.
- EN1997A4: "Culture in a Democratic Society" (translation of FR1994B ): 338-48.
- EN1997A5: "Psychoanalysis and Philosophy" (translation of original French typescript preceding final publication as FR1997A2 ): 348-60.
- Freud Under Analysis. History, Theory, Practice. Essays in Honor of Paul Roazen. Todd Dufresne, Ph. D., ed. Northvale, New Jersey and London, England: Jason Aronson, 1997: 249-63 (version edited without final authorization).
- (translation of final French version)
- EN1997A6: "Done and To Be Done" (translation of FR1989E ): 361-417.
- Also: EN1974B, EN1975A (new translation), EN1978C (new translation), EN1981A (new translation), EN1982D (new translation), EN1983B, EN1987A (excerpts from "Marxism and Revolutionary Theory" and "Social Imaginary and the Institution"), EN1994B, and EN1994E.
- EN1997B World in Fragments. Writings on Politics, Society, Psychoanalysis, and the Imagination (=WIF). Ed. and trans. David Ames Curtis. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1997. Translator's Foreword: xi-xxxi. On the Translation: xxxi-xxxix. With critical apparatus.
- EN1997B1: Epigraph (partial translation of FR1990C 1): vii.
- EN1997B2: "The Ethicists' New Clothes" (translation of FR1993H ): 108-22.
- EN1997B3: "The Ontological Import of the History of Science" (translation of FR1986B12 ): 342-73.
- Also: EN1984B , EN1987D , EN1989C , EN1990C , EN1991B , EN1992A , EN1992B , EN1992C , EN1992G , EN1993C , EN1993D , EN1993G , EN1994A , EN1994F , EN1994G (as "Phusis and Autonomy"), EN1995E , and EN1996C .
- EN1997C "Democracy as Procedure and Democracy as Regime" (translation of FR1996A4 ). Trans. David Ames Curtis. Constellations, 4:1 (April 1997): 1-18.
- EN1997D "The Crisis of the Identification Process" (translation of FR1990I ). Trans. David Ames Curtis. Thesis Eleven, 49 (May 1997): 85-98.
- EN1997E "Anthropology, Philosophy, Politics" (translation of FR1990D ). Trans. David Ames Curtis. Thesis Eleven, 49 (May 1997): 99-116.
- EN1998A Elie Wiesel, Fritjof Capra, Vaclav Havel, Bronislaw Geremek, Seizaburo Sato, René-Samuel Sirat, Cornelius Castoriadis. "Man's Freedom, God's Will. " Civilization. The Magazine of the Library of Congress, 5:2 (April-May 1998): 54-57; see: 57 (see also quotation on: 67).
- (extended version of p. 57, with a considerable number of apparent transcription errors).
- (extended version of p. 67, with a considerable number of apparent transcription errors).
- EN1998B Immanuel Wallerstein, Michael Novak, Timothy Garton Ash, Cornelius Castoriadis, Michael Mann, Richard von Weizsäcker. "The Prospect of Politics." Civilization. The Magazine of the Library of Congress, 5:2 (April-May 1998): 70-77; see: 74.
- (extended version of p. 74, with a considerable number of apparent transcription errors).
- EN1998C "A Conversation Between Sergio Benvenuto and Cornelius Castoriadis" (7 May 1994). Trans. Joan Tambureno. Journal of European Psychoanalysis, 6 (Winter 1998): 93-107.
- "Of Autonomy, Individualism and Psychoanalysis." In Freud’s Tracks: Conversations from the Journal of European Psychoanalysis. Ed. Sergio Benvenuto and Anthony Molino. New York, Toronto, and Plymouth, UK: Jason Aronson, 2009: 169-81.
- EN1999A "The Psychical and Social Roots of Hate." Free Associations, 7:3 (1999): 402-15.
- or (newly edited version)
- (reprint of new translation)
- EN2001A "Aeschylean Anthropogony and Sophoclean Self-Creation of Anthropos." Trans. from the Greek by Stathis Gourgouris. Johann P. Arnason and Peter Murphy, eds. Agon, Logos, Polis: The Greek Achievement and its Aftermath. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2001: 138-54.
- "Aeschylean Anthropogony and Sophoclean Self-Creation of Man" New trans. or
- (reprint of new translation)
- EN2002A On Plato's Statesman (translation of ( FR1999B ). Trans. David Ames Curtis. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2002. 227pp. Pierre Vidal-Naquet. Foreword: Castoriadis and the Statesman: xiii-xviii. Pascal Vernay. Introduction: "Living Thought at Work": xix-xxiii. David Ames Curtis. Translator's Afterword: 173-84. With critical apparatus.
- David Ames Curtis. "On the Translation."
- David Ames Curtis. Translator's Afterword.
- EN2012A Cornelius Castoriadis. "'Paideia' and Democracy." Trans. of a chapter of EL1993B by Maria Nikolakaki. Critical Pedagogy in the New Dark Ages: Challenges and Possibilities. Maria Nikolakaki. Ed. Foreword Henri Giroux. Afterword Ana-Maria Freire. Counterpoints: Studies in the Postmodern Theory of Education, 422. New York: Peter Lang, 2012: 71-80. N.B.: The English in this Greek-to-"English" translation is often very approximative and departs from standard Castoriadis terminology.
- EN2014A Cornelius Castoriadis and Radical Democracy. Ed. Vrasidas Karalis. [Trans. from the Greek by Vrasidas Karalis and Anthony Stephens.] Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2014.
- EN2018A Jean Amair, Hugo Bell, Cornelius Castoriadis, S. Chatel, Claude Lefort, Jean-Francois Lyotard, Daniel Mothé, Panonicus, Paul Romano, Albert Véga, Jack Weinberg, A Socialisme ou Barbarie Anthology: Autonomy, Critique, and Revolution in the Age of Bureaucratic Capitalism. Originally published without copyright in France by Acratie in 2007. Edited by Helen Arnold, Daniel Blanchard, Enrique Escobar, Daniel Ferrand, Georges Petit, and Jacques Signorelli. Translated from the French and edited anonymously as a public service. With a Translator/Editor's Introduction by David Ames Curtis (March–April 2016). London, Eris, 2018. 488pp.
- EN2018A1 "The English Dockers' Strikes" (translation of FR1956B ). Ibid.: 136-52.
- EN2018A2 "The Revolutionary Party (resolution)" (tranlsation of FR1949H). Ibid.: 302-306
- Also includes: EN1960A (excerpts of PSW 1 version), EN1962A (excerpts of PSW 1 version),EN1972A (excerpts of PSW 2 version), EN1974B (excerpts of PSW 3 version),EN1988A7 (excerpts of PSW 2 version), EN1988B1, EN1988B3, EN1993A6.
Last updated: 31 x 2024